Sweet Fragrance

At our MC this week, some of us admitted that our high and low was this past weekend’s “How We Love” conference and Sunday’s service.  It was a high because the weekend was spoke to our souls.  It ministered to our inmost beings and brought hope to the way we relate to others.  It was also a low because actually grieving, mourning, and reflecting inwardly can be tiring and yes, uncomfortable.  
But when we are uncomfortable, God is our refuge, fortress, and place of rest, if we let Him. 
Our devotions discussed so many different elements of this week’s verse. 
Mourning covers so much more than physical death.  There are many things we can, and should grieve over.  
Mourning also isn’t easy.  Zane isn’t the only “not robot” in our family.  Growing up, crying or showing too much emotion was a sign of weakness and it wasn’t allowed.  Zane showed me how to cry in front of him a year after we first began dating.  If we look around, we all grieve differently because God created us that way.  But through our differences we can still surround one another and comfort those in need.  
Mourning brings comfort and blessings by allowing other people and God to minister to you in these times.   There is such beauty in community.  To be honest and love one another must be a sweet fragrance to God. He made us to be in relationship.  
Mourning can still feel scary but I encourage you to not mourn alone.  It can feel embarrassing or even shameful at first but that is not what the bible says.  If there is still apprehension, pray.  If you are still heavy hearted, seek the Lord.  And if you wanna be extra brave, take that step in faith and call a brother or sister in Christ.  
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.



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