Sounds Like

“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.”-Matt. 5:5

This will be short because I’m super late with this, but I didn’t want to just not send anything (I just remembered this morning that today is my day, even with a reminder email on Sunday...whoopsie.)

During Charlie’s message on Sunday about what “meek” is and is not, other words started to pop into my mind.

Meekness also sounds like:

Patience-being willing to wait and trust in God’s timing and plan rather than rushing to implement our own.

Discernment-knowing when and when not to demonstrate your strength, have the confrontation, stand up to someone….and when those actions are a bad idea.

Wisdom-being in tune with and living by God’s principles and guidance; seeking His Word and then also following it.

Submission-to God’s will, his leading, and his authority in our lives. This one was brought to mind by the imagery of a horse’s bit and bridle.

Which of those do you struggle with? One? A couple of them? All of them? Pray for God to work in those areas and strengthen and refines your meekness.


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