Kingdom Now

When we read about being poor in spirit, it sounds like we are all a bunch of Eeyore's. Like we are so low, and so depressed and nothing is ever gonna go our way. That's not poor in spirit though. And even if it were for a little while, if we miss the promise of poor in spirit, then it's not really poor in spirit.

God wants us to be poor in spirit because he can work with that. He can work with the humble. He can work with those who recognize their sinfulness. He can work with those that don't think too highly of themselves. That's what he wants. He wants us to be broken before him so he can piece us back together.

It sounds a little twisted when you put it that way, but the reality is, he has what's better for us and we can never receive it if we aren't poor in spirit. We would never grasp it. We would never believe it if we thought we could hold it together. No. God wants us to realize we can't hold it together, so he can hold us together with something better. He calls this the Kingdom.

When Jesus says that the poor in spirit get the Kingdom of Heaven, that's a way better promise than saying that the poor in spirit will "figure it all out someday".

We get to experience the Kingdom. The beauty, security, and peace of the Kingdom now and for eternity. We aren't trading in our awesomeness for some lesser version of us. We are trading in our life without Jesus at the center for a life with Jesus at the center. That's a better promise.

Today, as you ponder poor in spirit, I want to encourage you to pray this. God, make me poor in spirit because I want to experience your Kingdom now. Take away my (insert your issue here) and replace it with the promise of your Kingdom.

Love you guys.


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