Ultimate Picture of Meekness

Matthew 5:5 says "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth"
Seems like that this passage is ripe with contradiction. Being meek doesn't seem to fit well with our image of how to get things...right? If you want something in this world, we are told things like 'we need to be a mighty warrior, a conquerer, a roaring lion  or even a squeaky wheel'
 We grow up with this illusion that if you want something bad enough you need to assert yourself more than the other person and claim the victory. Just watch little toddlers play with other kids sometime. Ever since sin entered the world back in the garden of eden, we have been cursed with trying to get things by over powering those who oppose us and asserting our will on them hoping that we will be conquerors.
That's not how God wants us to be. God wants us to let Him fight our battles. Trusting that He will change the hearts of those who oppose us and when we trust Him we can take a back seat to God. After all the Bible says in Matthew 19:26 " with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible". If we are going to be effective in our witness to the lost, one of the ways that happens is when they see God's love, mercy and grace shining through us.
Salvation is the ultimate picture of meekness...Jesus is wrongfully accused, is wrongfully tried, then quietly suffers brutal beatings, then hangs on a cross for things he didn't do and then says "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do"
Through the meekness of Jesus and the sacrifice He made, the inheritance of heaven was made available to all who call on His name. I pray that we all think long and hard about that salvation picture every morning as we try to figure out how to put our "meek on" and go out and face the world each day.



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