Trust In The Lord

The year of Y2K set the stage for my eighth grade science fair. I was that fateful kid that waited until the lasts minute to do anything, tried staying up all night to put something together and nothing worked, and finally reached out to my mom; my ever loving, ever patient, let me stay home sick from school that day to get my science project done, Mom. We ended up picking up something from the store and whittled together some construction paper and glue sticks and made something happen. Oh Victorious Day! I now stood tall in front of everyone with something to present before the judges. 

When reading this Psalm you really have to take 20 and 21 together as a package. David throughout the entirety of Psalm 20 needs help, is crying out to his Savior in his time of need. Asking God to grant his heart’s desires. 

“May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble!”
“May he grant you your heart’s desire and fulfill all your plans!”
“May he answer us when we call.”

How many times have we thought to ourselves, like I did with the science fair, that we can do this on our own. Through the thick and the thin, through the trouble and through the procrastination. I don’t know about you but it doesn’t work out so well. I would much rather lean on someone who I can rely on to take me through the greater troubles of this world and not rely on my own two hands. As we read further on into Psalm 21 we see that David (the king) is rejoicing to the LORD for delivering him from his enemies and granting him his desires.

“You have given him his heart’s desires and have not withheld the request of his lips.”
“He asked life of you; you gave it to him, length of days forever and ever.”

When you trust in someone that is greater than all of this around us, life seems to get a little easier. Stress is a part of all of our lives, and fear and doubt find a way to creep in, but sometimes it is helpful to remind ourselves that stress if overrated when you have someone like our heavenly Father in your corner. 

“For the king trusts in the LORD, and through the steadfast love of the Most High he shall not be moved.”

Why do we trust in God? Why does he deserve all of our praise? Because He created a way to get back to Him through his son. He made it easy for us to reach out to him in our times of need. He didn’t turn his back on us when we deserved it the most. When we push away from him, he calls us out by name wanting us to come back to him. For us, sometimes it takes an eighth grade science fair to understand that we really need help and for us not to take it for granted. 

What a couple of verses to take with us on this warm Monday morning. Pray that your heart will be challenged to run to the LORD in our times of trouble and need throughout the week. Don’t forget that you are not alone and that our Father in Heaven sent his son to save YOU. 

Be blessed this week!



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