A Freewill Offering

Verse 6 sticks out to me.  “I will sacrifice a freewill offering to you, I will praise your name, Lord, for it is good”.

This sounds like fasting, but willingness and eagerness to fast.  Man how I wish I had an attitude like David, a man after God’s heart where I can say, “God, I realize I can do what I please, but instead I will do what you please.  For you are good.”    Is there something that’s holding you back from praising the Lord?   Maybe it’s time we sacrifice that freewill because the Lord is good and he is worthy of our praise.

So whether you are being chased by the mafia, or frolicking in some beautiful meadow, my prayer is that we let go of the things that hold us back, and cling to the one who loves us and saves us.


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