Psalm 68

God settles the solitary in a home; he leads out the prisoners to prosperity, but the rebellious dwell in a parched land.  - Psalm 68:6

I am a pretty rebellious fella. I like to do things my way, and giving up control of something is not really my style. As I think about this passage I'm reminded of just how good God is, and just how truthful He is. My rebellion isn't necessary because He has something so much better for me...namely, I get Him.

At some point in each of our lives, we hit this place where we realize that our best isn't good enough. And when we do, God is there. We realize that we really don't have it all together. And when we do, God is there. We realize that we can't maintain our own righteousness. And when we do, God is there. We realize that we failed. And when we do, God is there. We realize that our life is a facade. And when we do, God is there. We realize that we need something far greater than our ability to have peace in life. And when we do, God is there.

I actually believe that when we hit rock bottom, when we are at the end of our rope, and have nothing left, it's a good thing. It's in that place where we have a choice to let God work and bring us into peace and prosperity, or to keep trying to white-knuckle life and go it alone. We are all met with that moment in life. Many of us, that moment is like every day.

And here's the thing, the more you realize it, the more beautiful it gets because you realize that God is always there and loves to be with you. He just wants you to see your need for Him.

Church, repent. Turn from your rebellious ways. God is far better than you. He is more than you could ever need or want. And when you're at the bottom, He is there.



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