Steadfast Love

“The righteous shall see and fear; and shall laugh at him, saying ‘ See the man who would not make God his refuge but trusted in the abundance of his riches and sought refuge in his own destruction!”
Psalm 52

I often wonder if I have a true fear of the Lord. I wonder if I really know what that means and if I am living a life that reflects that Godly fear. It is so easy to be like the man that trusted in the abundance of his riches, I often find myself relying on the things that I have/know before I rely on the Lord. In fact I can honestly say I have been relying on those things more than I have on the Lord these past few weeks. Just today I completely avoided the fact that I felt Him calling me to come spend time with Him. If I am completely honest with you and myself I am in no place to be writing this devo right now. Instead seeking first the Lord and resting in Him I have been busying myself with the small things that I think are more important, and I can tell you I feel more broken and depleted than ever. I think that with a proper fear of the Lord comes a longing to please Him, to spend time with Him and to put Him above all else like David did.

“ But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God. I trust in the steadfast love of God forever and ever.  I will thank you forever, because you have done it. I will wait for your name, for it is good, in the presence of the godly.”

It is so easy to fill your cup with the things of this world and things that bring temporary fulfillment instead of filling it up with God. I know I am very guilty of this daily and I know that when I do fill my cup with worldly things, those are the hardest days/weeks/months and I feel more empty than ever before. I think in order to develop a proper fear of the Lord we need to remember His steadfast love for us and how He did for us the one thing we could never do. I would encourage you if this is a season of emptiness and wandering to take a minute and sit in His presence and read His word. Reflect on what His steadfast love really is and what it is to be righteous and fear Him.


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