Alligators, Mosquitos, Sticks, and Stones

There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
- Proverbs 12:18

Word. Words. These things that I use all day, everyday. I'm so far from perfect, so when they come out of my mouth, I have to be careful. They can be crushing without intent...or with intent. Or they can be life giving and nourishing...even when they are rebuking in nature. Oh the responsibility of words.

My dad always used to tell me, "Charlie, some day you're gonna let your alligator mouth overload your mosquito a**." Aside from that being a quote for the win, there is so much truth in that. Of course, words can get you in physical trouble. I mean you aren't going to cuss out an MMA fighter just to see what happens, but there's more than that surely.

Words have the power to destroy or nurture. Remember the old saying, "sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me"? That is a lie from the pit of hell! I can't tell you how many times I got into little fights as a kid because it was often and I don't remember, nor care. But words? Oh man. I remember every time I got cut down. I remember calling a kid a name that crushed him. I remember the face on a kid after making fun of his mom, not knowing that she was dead.

David says in Psalm 57:4 that we have teeth of spears and arrows, and tongues that are sharp swords. We have to be careful with that stuff. Remember...Alligators and mosquitos.

On the flip side, I remember the times that my parents were disappointed in me, and said that I could do better. I remember the first man that told me I was going to be a pastor, long before that was true. I remember parts of the toast that my best man gave at my wedding 12 years ago.

Words hurt waaaayyyy more than sticks and stones. They also bring about more life than just about any other thing we can receive.

It's the Word of God that we study and read. Jesus is called the Word. He uses words to affirm his creation, and attempt to explain to feeble minds how much He loves us.

Words are powerful, and they can be used to bring about death or life. I pray that you are encouraged today to watch your alligator mouth. It may overload your mosquito a**. Use your words to bring healing and joy to people, and I assure you that they won't forget.

- Charlie


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