
Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out.
 - Proverbs 10:9

I remember when I was a kid and my parents would say, "It's always better to tell the truth, even if it is harder", or "Just tell the truth, we are going to find out anyway", or "You may get into trouble if you tell the truth, but it's going to be way worse if you tell a lie." For the most part, I think it worked. Sure there were plenty of lies I told growing up, but I still remember those lessons. I probably still remember them because the times I did get caught in a lie were pretty brutal.

When I read this proverb about walking in integrity, I can't help but think of being a kid and hearing those kind of words from my parents. The reality is, it is so much harder to walk in integrity. It creates an incredible amount of vulnerability. The truth is, many people don't know how to handle someone that walks in integrity, but everybody can respect it. Walking in integrity doesn't mean never messing up. Everybody messes up, A LOT.

Integrity is about walking in the light. It's about owning your mistakes. It's really about living a life of repentance. There are areas in all of our life that we should be repenting for every day. That's how the Gospel plays itself out in everyday life, and here's the thing, it's always better to be honest with God because He already knows anyway. God is always going to forgive, and be with you, even if being honest is difficult. Jesus died a shameful death on the cross to put shame to death, so that you could walk freely with no shame, even though your actions make you guilty. Forgiveness, freedom, and salvation are ours. Walking in integrity is how we display that to the world and to our own heart.

I learned a lesson from a friend a few years back. We were doing youth ministry together and he told me something that his parents used to say to him to help free him up from shame, and create an environment of walking in the light. I want to share this with you because you may need to hear it for yourself, and if you are a parent I highly encourage you to say this to your children. His mom and dad used to tell him, "Any time you feel like you need to hide something from us, that is the devil lying to you. Nothing you could ever tell us will change our love for you, or cause us to leave you."

I mean, talk about creating an environment where talking about tough stuff with mom and dad is ok! That is awesome. If more of us felt that way growing up, I can't imagine the ripple effect it would have on our willingness to walk in integrity now as adults.

I pray that you find peace in walking in integrity today. I pray that you have a relationship in your life that you feel comfortable enough in to be honest. I pray that God gives you the boldness to tell the truth even when it can get you in trouble. Lord, remind us that you will never leave us, and that you will always love us. Amen.

- Charlie


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