Trump Card

Proverbs 11:2-3

"When pride comes, then comes disgrace,
but with humility comes wisdom.
The integrity of the upright guides them,
but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity."

In church this week, Charlie talked about the book mark again and how we need to be praying for the people that have been supernaturally placed in our lives so that their hearts can be softened thus paving the way for more opportunities for us to be Jesus to those around us. I have had a difficult time doing this. I am much more a reactive person with praying. Instead of asking how I can pray for someone, I wait for there to be a problem in someone's life and then tell that person that I will pray for them and their struggles. For some reason I feel scared to ask, but am happy to tell people that I am praying. I read this chapter time and time again looking for something to write on, and then stopped, prayed and asked God to reveal to me what my heart needs to see, and this is what came up.

I find that my pride gets in the way more times than not, which I feel goes hand in hand with being unfaithful and having a life of duplicity by allowing people to see that I am a Christian only when a problem arises and I will use the "power of Jesus" to make everything ok again. This does exactly what the verse says . . . Makes me feel like a disgrace. I am using God more as a trump card instead of putting my faith in everything I do.

In Matthew, God tells us to make our "yes" be "yes" and our "no" be "no." Integrity at its finest. If we signed up to be a Christ follower, we signed up to be his disciples and therefore signed up to help in the fight for people's lives for the kingdom. If we said "yes" to this, we need to follow through with that "yes." We need to set aside our pride and be guided by the fact that we are here on earth for more than work, making money, having families, etc. If it wasn't for God's amazing grace we would have no reason to be here. We have this absolutely beautiful personal connection with God. Don't let pride get in the way of telling others about this or at least asking them how you could pray for them.

Pray this week for humility and how you can portray holiness to others. Pray for that person on your book mark. Take the next step. Don't let pride get in the way.

⁃ Tim


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