Say Ok.

Prov 10:17
17 Whoever heeds instruction is on the path to life, but he who rejects reproof leads others astray.”

I have a rebellious spirit. If you tell me to go left, I will go right. If you tell me to wear a jacket, I will run around in the rain without said jacket. I used to be proud of my rebelliousness because it meant no one could control me. The older I get the more I realize I just don’t have the energy to always go against the crowd for the sake of going against the crowd. I have found that rebellion breeds rebellion, and more headache. For me, it stems from a rejection of rejection. If no one can put any expectation on me, then I can’t let them down. If I act like I am too cool to care, then no one can let me down either.

I’ve learned that listening to good people is a good life practice. I have told my good friends that they are invited into my life. I would rather be called out than to have my friends watch in silence while I continue down a detrimental path. One of my best friends and I have this inside joke: I tell my friend the situation, she gives me the cold hard truth (in love), and then I sigh… wait a few long seconds… and then say… “OK”. We have confronted each other so many times that we laugh at how often we have this exact response. Without fail, the situation always gets better when I heed the good instruction and say… “OK”. 

Do those close to you have an invitation into your life? Are you too cool to care? Do you get offended when someone that cares about you brings up a sensitive topic? 

I pray that you are surrounded by good people who want good things for your life and aren’t afraid to tell you.  

- Natalie


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