Apples Are Good For You

 “keep my commandments and live; keep my teaching as the apple of your eye;…”
Prov 7:2 ESV

Read Proverbs 7. 

I always understood the idiom “apple of my eye” to mean something one desires and cherishes. After looking this up, I was surprised to find that this idiom originates from the bible and has a closer meaning of something or someone that one cherishes above all others. More interestingly, the Hebrew and Latin point to a literal translation of “little man of the eye”, which refers to the image of oneself when looking into someone else’s eyes.  So, if I am looking towards Jesus, he would be able to see a reflection of himself as the apple of my eye. Scripture says to keep his commandments and teaching as the apple of my eye, so I take this to mean that when I am tempted (be it adultery (refer to context) or pride or greed or jealousy or dishonesty); I am to cherish these teachings above all else, and I am to call on wisdom and insight. 

Is God the little man of your eye? What would it mean for you to see his teachings and commandments as the apple of your eye? How would this change your day today? 

- Natalie


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