A Better Covenant

22 This makes Jesus the guarantor of a better covenant.
(Hebrews 7:22 ESV)
Re: Covenant
I agree with open arms
To sign a document of deed
I pledge my oath and allegiance
Upon this tablet of grace
Give me the pen of my blood
To etch my tribute forevermore...O’ Lord
My take on the verse:
“...The (Hebrew) word B’rit implies the shedding of blood in the process of ratifying an agreement.”
What are you making a covenant with today that is a wack (inferior) version of the covenant we have with Jesus? Do you have a covenant with money and success? Do you have a covenant with relationships, or sex? Do you have a covenant with child, or spouse worship? Do you have a covenant with entertainment, fear, or anxiety? Do you have a covenant with your free time, or your pride? Anger? Depression? Self loathing? I have made false covenants with multiple things on this list, entertainment, sex, anger to name a few.

We can’t have more than one covenant though. Either our life covenant and actions/decisions are rooted solely in Christ, by the power and prompting of the Holy Spirit and belief in the blood shed and resurrection of Jesus, or we have signed a covenant with a lesser entity or entities. We have chosen the hamburger over the steak. It’s that simple. We have a deal with God that we will try to live our life for Him and ask in every instance, is this in line with the document I signed to, “love the Lord [my] God with all [my] heart and with all [my] soul and with all [my] mind and with all [my] strength?’”
God help me remember that you are the best covenant. You gave me yourself, your Word, an eternity with you, Heaven and the Holy Spirit in exchange for my surrender to your Son. All things pale in comparison and will let me down. My alliance with you is more important than the things that distract me. I am yours and you are mine. I want you to be my number one. I don’t want to be aligned with anything but you. Help me organize my life around you. The deal I made with you upon my salvation was the greatest deal I’ve ever made. Thank you for you grace in offering me you. --Amen
Antonio Cortez Appling


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