RE: Fourth of July

“After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight. (Hebrews 4:14 ESV)

Re: Fourth of July

All God’s glory
Symbolized in momentary unity
Covered in mustard and ketchup
Displayed on high.

Good Morning church. Happy Fourth of July! What a great day! Everybody in the United States loves the Fourth. I cannot help but think about Ray Charles rendition of, “America the Beautiful playing in The Sandlot movie. That special Summer scene will always make me feel instantly nostalgic and patriotic. There is a magic to fireworks, the fantastic boom, the luminescent outpour of colors taking up what seems to be infinite space and creating a neon galaxy of light in our usually starless Southern California sky. The way the metallic sparkles ascend upon the midnight sky is sheer brilliance. But, there is something more amazing.

Let’s talk about the ascension. Some of Jesus’s followers actually watched him rise up out of the atmosphere and back to God’s right hand. They watched him! What a sight that must have been in the sky. `Acts 1:9 states, “After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight.” How glorious to witness! God had proved his existence past the cross as resurrected, hung out with them for forty days offering fellowship and support, he opened their minds metaphysically to understand scripture in a way they never could before, blessed them, taught them and gave them the gift of the Holy Spirit. What was his grand finale, the ultimate light show? He rose up above their heads on a magnificent cloud, rising higher and higher until he was out of their sight. Boom. Mic dropped.

Main Point of the verse:
What is the point? The author of Hebrew used the reminder of Christ’s ascension to encourage the wavering believers in this small church.  He knew the glory of the event would remind them of the uniqueness of their God in times of persecution. He knew that there was no other life like Christ’s and that the ascension was arguably just as significant as the Resurrection to their faith. He knew they needed a reminder that their Christ was big, bigger than the sky, space, Heaven and even death.

So on this Fourth of July lets us remember the most fantastic visual display ever witnessed, not the fireworks off of the Queen Mary in Long Beach, or even the Macy’s fireworks display in Manhattan, let us remember Jesus. In your struggles remember how great Jesus is. Do not forget how practical and out of this world he is simultaneously and let that be your hope, let that put a smile on your face today and everyday. When you look at the sky today take a second and remember that your God 2,000 years ago via Jesus, as a real Man, created the most beautiful sky anyone has ever seen. He loves you. The same God that died for you also rose and ascended for you.


God help me remember that your Son is evidenced in everything, He created the world. Help me remember today, amidst fun and celebration, that our true independence comes in the freedom we have from sin and that our liberator was Jesus through his death on the cross as payment for those sins. Let us fly the flag of his legacy first.  Let us remember the ascension and Holy Spirit help it resonate in our hearts on a very real level.

Happy Fourth of July.

Antonio Cortez Appling


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