Reverent Prayer

In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to him who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverence. (Hebrews 5:7 ESV)

When was the last time you hit your knees and prayed? When was the last time that you prayed with loud cries and tears? When was the last time that you took the posture of humility before the Lord because of His majesty, and said, "Not my will, but Your will be done"?

I think about the situation our country is going through right now, and my heart breaks. It's a confusing time. People are angry. People are sad. People are looking for answers like it says in the song Good, Good Father, "Many are searching for answers, far and wide, but I know they're all searching for answers only You provide." Do you hear that? There are answers, and they're provided by God himself.

The problem is, far too often, we look to social media, news channels, and politics for answers that are only meant to come through a relationship with God Almighty.

Jesus doesn't leave us to our own devices to figure out how to live this life. All throughout His life, He shows us how to live. In Hebrews 5:7, we even see how Jesus prayed, that he cried out with tears, but in reverence. He shows us that it's ok to cry out, it's ok to have tears. What doesn't seem to be ok is to do that with an irreverent heart. The verse even says that he was heard BECAUSE of his reverence. It sure sounds like the opposite would be true also, doesn't it?

So, when was the last time you really humbled yourself and prayed. When was the last time you cried out, shed tears, and identified with Jesus through praying in the way that He did?

We have an opportunity to do that and lead others to do that this Saturday as we host a prayer vigil for the community. Like I said in the message on Sunday, that our responsibility is to enter into the grief and anger like Jesus did. When we take our light into darkness, it won't be dimmed. It will be made brighter.

I challenge you to first and foremost humble yourself and pray for God to Heal This Land. Pray for Him to show you places in your heart that need to be rooted up, and replanted with Christ at the center. Then lead somebody else in that. Bring them to the Prayer Vigil on Saturday, and show them what it looks like when God's people gather together, cry out and worship our King. That reverent posture will speak loudly to people who are hurting.

Love you guys more than you know.

- Charlie


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