Needing a New Covenant

For if that first covenant had been faultless, there would have been no occasion to look for a second.
- Hebrews 8:7

Why did Jesus come to Earth? I feel like I get caught in this line of thinking a lot. I start asking questions that make my brain hurt, and if left to my own devices, my cynicism can take over and make a huge mess of my faith. But that question: Why did Jesus come? That one has troubled me for a long time.

It's not that I don't believe he did come, or believe all of the truths about Him and who He is. It's not that I don't believe the all encompassing work He did on the cross, and in His resurrection. It's just a why question. Like, couldn't there have been another way? That kind of question.

Enter this verse and the doctrine of reformed theology. Jesus came because something needed to be accomplished that no human could ever accomplish. Our sinful nature could never uphold our end of the covenant made with God. And yet we try to earn our right standing before the Lord all the time.

Let me ask a question, and I want to end with this: if you could figure out your own life, why do we even need Jesus? In other words, if you could have maintained the covenant with God, if you could have upheld the Ten Commandments, if you could will your way into a sinless life, why would there be a new covenant with Jesus? Why would he have died? It would have been pointless.

Every time we try and do things in our own power, or justify our sin, we are saying that we don't need Jesus. We are saying that we don't believe the truth of the Gospel. We are saying that the new covenant made with Jesus is simply lacking or unnecessary.

Pray for a new view of the Gospel. Pray that God would open your eyes to areas that you are holding on to a belief that you can handle your own issues. Pray for forgiveness for not believing in the gospel to handle all of your life.

Love you church.

By His Grace,



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