Getting Dressed Down by God

“And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭
4:13‬ ‭ESV‬‬

The other night, Gunnar ran out of the bathroom totally naked after a bath. His hair still dripping wet, and he had the biggest smile on his face as he danced around. Seriously, so freakin cute.

When babies are naked it's super cute and innocent. As adults we just laugh and know that there is something so freeing for the little ones to be naked and unashamed...literally. But adults? Man, it's embarrassing to even be close to naked with others, unless you're over 70 and in the men's locker room at the gym. Something must happen around that time because if there's any shame, you sure could have fooled me. I guess you revert back at some point.:)

I love this verse because we try to dress ourselves up in front of God. We try to present ourselves as clean and neat, deserving of grace. He is not fooled. There's no fancy clothes that can hide us from our guilt and shame in front of a Holy God. Rather, He sees us as we are, and provides the garments of Grace to clothe us. He did that by sending Jesus. The only one that can cover us. It's by His blood that our guilt is forgiven, and our shame is washed away. But for some reason, we still want to seem like we have it together.

Stop it. You don't. And it's so much dang work. Why would we want to keep on that cycle?!

Only God has it together. The sooner we realize that, the better. The benefit? When God dresses us down the less we will have to hide.

I remember talking with a pastor that was trying to find a worship leader for his church, and he said, "I wish people would just come into their interview and tell me all the sin they struggle with and all of their short comings as a leader, instead of trying to sell me on themselves. It would save a lot of heartbreak and time." So profound.

today, I encourage you to clothe yourself with humility and grace that only God provides. There are no garments to hide us from stop trying and rest in His goodness today.

- Charlie


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