Change in Priesthood

12For when there is a change in the priesthood, there is necessarily a change in the law as well.

"Never read a Bible verse".  That's something that Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason teaches.  He doesn't say this to tell you to not read your Bible, but to not read a single verse and expect to understand that big picture.  Get the context surrounding that single verse.

Hebrews 7:12 is one of those verses that supports Koukl's motto.  But even with the context, there's so much to grasp.

If you have been keeping up with devotions, hopefully you have a good understanding of what's taking place. On Tuesday, Bridget summarized everything pretty well from Melchizedek's priesthood and it being higher than the Levitical Priesthood. 

On Wednesday,  Charlie emphasized verse 11, which covered how the Levitical Priesthood could not attain perfection.  This priesthood would have to make sacrifices on our behalf, as well as maintain an "extreme level of purity".  This Levitical Priesthood would have to be perfect, and what man other than the Son of Man could be perfect?

So the author is saying that Jesus is the new High Priest.  Because Jesus is not in the line of Levi, he could not be a Levitical priest.  Instead He is like Melchizedek, and the perfection attained.

The confusing part of verse 12 is that  when there is a change in priesthood, there is "necessarily a change in the law as well".  The Mosaic law still applies to the Jews, but the manner in which sins are atoned is what has changed forever, for both Jew and Gentile

In all honesty, this is still very confusing and fascinating.  I'm just grateful for the opportunity to contribute to this devotional and to be blessed by everyone's devotional. If it wasn't for the Well and these devotionals, my understanding of the priesthoods and Hebrews would not be what it is now.  

I echo the prayers of my fellow devotion writers.  I pray that we as a church put reading, studying and delighting in God's word as a necessity and priority. 

- Zane


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