“In speaking of a new covenant, he makes the first one obsolete. And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭8:13‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Old Covenant vs New Covenant...Thank You Jesus!

When you read about the old covenant, you can't help but be thankful for God plan that included Jesus. Do you know how many laws are in the old covenant ?
A whopping 613. I can't imagine trying to tackle that hurdle. It's hard enough for me to do the few things my wife asks me to do. Imagine trying to obey 613 laws in your daily life. I think you would realize that you would most likely spend all your time trying and failing every day. Kind of sounds like the Israelites. 

Sometimes when you feel like complaining about rules, try reading some of the 613 laws. After the first 100 or so, you'll probably stop complaining. Oh and don't forget that special one just for the guys...yup circumcision. Yikes!!

Fast forward to the New Covenant founder...Jesus. I am so thankful that God's plan included doing away with the Old Covenant and replacing it with a new one. A covenant that is attainable because of grace. How awesome is it that God was willing to sacrifice his only son so that we could experience that grace and mercy. We are no longer burdened with 613 laws, but are compelled by the gospel to enter into a personal relationship with our heavenly Savior. Sure sounds like we got the better end of the deal. THANK YOU JESUS!

- Jerry


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