No One Higher

Hebrews 7: 23-27

There is no priest 
higher than him.
His innocent life 
Sacrificed for my sin, 
And for yours, and all others.
But no sin had he. 
Since he did this once for all
And died on Calvary.
but death could not hold him
he permanently lives forever.
One sacrifice, one time, 
Our Holy Intercessor.

Hebrews 7: 23-27 compares the Levitical High Priests and Jesus as the eternal high priest.  

When you ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you as you read his word, he doesn’t hold back!  As I reread these verses over and over, the descriptions of Jesus continued to stand out. In looking at the contrasts the author made between the two, it almost feels like a mini-gospel within these 5 verses.   

(And probably because I just came back from a wedding where the maid of honor wrote a poem as her toast, Holy Spirit was like, “Grace, your turn! Show the church how much fun My Word is.”) 

So the above is inspired by the verses mentioned.  The bold is directly from the text.  Read the verses then reread above if desired.  Trying to find exactly which verse was used for each line is kind of a fun way to help us all read it more than once… but you don’t have to =)

Also, if you haven’t done so, read Antonio, Bridget and Charlie’s posts from this week!  They are amazing and my devotional adds from theirs.  

- Grace


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