He is Proud of You

“Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.”
Hebrews 4:14-15 ESV

"He is proud of you"

There is a desire inside all of us to make our parents, or whoever raised us, proud. The line "I just want to make you proud" is so common in movies it's almost cliché. It's common because we all identify with it at some level. It seems to be a universal desire in us, regardless of our parents love or involvement. If you have or had amazing, loving, sacrificial and attentive parents, you want to make them proud. But the desire remains true even when parents are absent, abusive, inconsistent, selfish, angry, etc. 

As a result of this desire there is a deep pain and internal restlessness when we feel that our parents are displeased with us. Even those who never knew one of their parents or were abandoned by their mom or dad at a young age tend to wonder if that parent would be "proud of who they've become". 

Well as sons and daughters of Christ we have a perfect father in heaven who is more than worthy of our desire to make Him proud. He is a great high priest! He is royalty! Yet He is humble and lead by example. He knows your pain, because he himself came to earth to experience earthly pain. He is amazing. He is loving. He is sacrificial. He is attentive. He is proud of you.

Even more than we desire to make our earthy parents proud, we should desire to make Christ proud of us. Hold on to your confession. Keep the faith. Stay strong. Our changed hearts, minds and lives bring Him glory and make Him proud. He paid the ultimate sacrifice for us, and He deserves a response from us.

While we can't "work" ourselves into a better standing with Christ, we can strive to show others who he is by who we are. He is already proud of you, and through His acceptance and love, we are called to accept and love others in His name.  He came to earth and can sympathize with your weaknesses. We too, should sympathize with the weaknesses of others.

Church, let these words wash over you 
today: your Heavenly Father is proud of you. 

- Bridget


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