
Hebrews 10:36 “For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised.” 

For you have need of endurance….

I was never the kid that did well in P.E. Throwing, catching, hitting, and kicking balls is not my thing. In college, I could hold my own in an aerobics class, but just barely. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I made peace with running. That is how I exercise, because at the very least, I can put one foot in front of the other...most of the time (we just won’t talk about how I trip over nothing all the time). 

But running is h.a.r.d.! It takes endurance. Endurance itself is hard, because in order to get endurance, you have to endlessly push through pain and discomfort. It’s the opposite of fun, and (at least for me) it doesn’t come quickly. But gradually you realize that you can run just a little farther, a tad faster, a few minutes longer. 

Look, this is a devotional, so you see where I’m going here. Clearly, our Christian “walk” is sounding a whole lot more like running-or any sport/exercise, for that matter. There are and will be many times when it is just plain hard, and you just want to stop, give up, throw a fit.

Keep going. Even if it’s slow. Don’t stop. Even if it’s ugly.  

We’re not always going to walk alongside Christ and our Christian community with grace and beauty. But sometimes what matters most is continuing the race-it doesn’t always have to look pretty. Pray-even when it’s the last thing you want to do, and it’s the shortest sentence you’ve ever uttered to God. Crack open your Bible-even for just one verse. Ask a brother or sister in Christ how they’re really doing-and listen with care, even when you’re spread thin and overwhelmed yourself. 

Because when it’s hard is when endurance starts to happen. That’s when your stride, breathing, and heart rate start to find their rhythm. When you press through the hard parts, strength starts showing up. And sometimes, I think that’s when it feels like Jesus starts showing up, too. 

...so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised.

We push through with exercise because we know it’s good for us. The same is true with our Christian walk. Our God sees our faithfulness and our effort in the midst of hard seasons. He sees us working to desire and follow His will. 

It’s worth it. There are great rewards for physical endurance: better strength, resilience, and health to name a few. And while those things are also true of our relationship with God when we endure, we receive so much more than that: grace, peace, eternity, joy, fellowship, authentic & life-giving community. 

One more running metaphor/cliche while we’re here: This relationship and walk with God is a marathon, not a sprint. We’re in it for the long haul, and the author of Hebrews exhorts us towards endurance. That means it’s not only important, but necessary. Some parts are blissfully easy and joyful. Other parts will take every ounce of grit you can muster. But you can do it, and you don’t do it alone. Jesus goes with us, as does His church. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. 

- Connie


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