I'm good. Wait, I want more.

Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." - Hebrews 13:5

More, more, more; more. That's what I want. I don't actually think about things and try to be excessive, but the way I act really shows that I want more. This passage is talking about money, specifically, but if you just think about life and our pursuit of the bigger and better, it applies to all of it.

Example: I have a bike that I've been riding, and it works great. However, I'm at a point now that I'm growing discontent with the bike and accessories because I want to be faster and more efficient. It's just part of life...a lack of satisfaction.

Now, the Hebrews were in a different boat than most of us. The author is encouraging them to be content with what they have because at the time, the Christians were shunned by society. So even if they weren't being physically persecuted, they were being denied goods and services by society. Imagine not being able to buy goods, and having to overpay for anything because of prejudice. He wasn't warning of being excessive, he was saying that even when it comes to the basics, don't focus on them...God will provide.

It's a really interesting way to end that verse. Jesus is with you and will never forsake you. He is reminding the reader that even when times are rough, don't turn to things of this world to find peace. Jesus will take care of you. He will take care of you in good times and in bad. He is more than enough for all of life. Be content not because He will give you everything you want, but because you get Him.

Pray for God to make that truth evident in your life today. Ask Him to illuminate areas where you aren't trusting that He is enough. Then turn that over to Him. Let Jesus be enough for you today.

- Charlie


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