She's Having a Baby

She's Having a Baby

“By faith Sarah herself received power to conceive, even when she was past the age, since she considered him faithful who had promised. Therefore from one man, and him as good as dead, were born descendants as many as the stars of heaven and as many as the innumerable grains of sand by the seashore."

Just read this verse a few times and really think about the situation.  Think about what it is saying. So often we breeze over stories we are familiar with, but let this settle for a minute.

Sarah, Abraham's wife, had no kids. They tried to have kids for their whole marriage, but they were plagued by infertility. And at this point in the story, without wanting to get too graphic, they say she is "past the age to conceive".

So you know by now, Sarah had given up any and all hope of having children. And this is now the woman that God chooses to bear "descendants as many as the stars of heaven and as many as the innumerable grains of sand by the seashore."

Abraham isn't described as too hot either in this passage... "Therefore from one man, and him as good as dead..." I mean, seriously? He's old!! The author is basically like, his life was pretty much over. Drink lemonade on your front porch, and wait to die, kind of old. Old. They are both old, and WAY past thinking that children were a part of God's plan for them.

And then God begins building Himself a nation through the decedents of this couple. He begins blessing this couple; the most unlikely and incapable couple, and yet they walk in God's plan with faith. It doesn't make any logical sense why God wouldn't have chosen a young, healthy, capable couple to start building His people. But He didn't, He chose the old couple whose conception was literally impossible based on human standards.

Sarah had faith. Well, actually, at first she laughed. But then it says "by faith" she received power to conceive. She believed and hoped and trusted that God could do what He said He would do, regardless of her shortcomings. That is the kind of heart God loves to use.

When we are weak He makes us strong. God isn't interested in how capable you are, or how competent or qualified you are to do His work. He is interested in faith. He is looking for hearts that believe and hope in His power. If God can take Sarah and Abraham and turn them into the father and mother of many nations, then God can also use you to do a mighty work for His kingdom if you only have faith.

- Bridget


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