Great Confidence

19 Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus,
20 by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh, - Hebrews 10:19-20

The Olympics are in full swing. It's the best, isn't it? I get so wrapped up in the Olympiad and watch things that I would never watch if it weren't the Olympics. Several things you watch during the Olympics you've probably never even heard of. It's just such a great time for competition and sport. Me loves.

One thing that every Olympian needs is confidence. They must have confidence that they can be the best, that they can get the job done. The second they question themselves, they are at risk of being defeated. These are the best athletes in the world at their respective sport, competing against other athletes that are the best as well. Every event is like a clash of Titans. The battle is physical, but also mental. I would say, mostly mental is what separates Gold from Silver often times. The abilities are there for most Olympians, but how they compete and handle pressure is often the deciding factor. Confidence.

Enter the Russian Olympians. Last night when their Men's Swimming Relay Team entered the pool area to compete they all got booed. On the surface it seemed like poor sportsmanship, but they were booing the lack of integrity by the Russian athletes. A large majority of Russian athletes were banned from the Olympics this year for doping. Why did they do that? Why risk all you've worked for to gain a slight competitive edge? Confidence...or a lack thereof.

Confidence is power. It gives you reason and drive to do what needs to be done. According to this passage we have confidence, and it's not confidence in our abilities, but in Christ's accomplishments. His accomplishments give us confidence to approach God with everything we have. Before Jesus, approaching God with our failures and fears was a dangerous proposition. Now, we have full access to mercy and forgiveness. And like we learned in the message yesterday, God is merciful and doesn't hold those failures over us to judge us. That gives a ton of confidence.

Today, church, have confidence that Jesus has done what needs to be done to give you confidence. It was His great sacrifice that opened the door to God for us and it's guaranteed. Live in that. Bring your love, worship, fears, and failures to God. Be confident that He will celebrate with you, and that He will be merciful towards you. He loves you. In that, there is great confidence.

- Charlie


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