
“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:1 ESV
Re: Invisibility
Faith is the air that we deem concrete
The surrounding heavy lightness
A blanket not weighed in metrics
Sight absence, soul presence
Superhero power of The Most High nature
Aligned with finite
Yet vast in implication
My take on the verse:
I believe in Jesus Christ. 
We’ve never met personally. He lived, as a man, over 2,000 years ago. The book that speaks about him is highly controversial and scrutinized regarding its validity. Most pictures depict Him in a Eurocentric way that would be completely inaccurate given the region he was from. Word on the street is that his boys turned on him when he needed them the most, but once again that's just what the controversial book says. He is archetype, ornamental and more mythologically seeming than actual human being. Logically, it doesn’t add up.
I believe in Jesus 100%. Why? I made a choice. See, we can use Apologetics (defense of the Christian faith) and theological study, correlate science to Creation, collect artifacts from Jesus’ time and historically justify our faith but the reality is either we choose to believe in Jesus, or we do not but it might never make perfect sense.
As you are talking to friends and loved ones about Jesus let them know that faith is a choice. The disciples didn’t know all the facts about Jesus but they chose to follow him. It is not about having all the evidence. It is about faith. It is not about logic. It is about faith.
God, help me remember my choice for Jesus. Help me choose your Son minute to minute today. Provide me an opportunity to share about who your Son is. Help me be bold in the fact that I might not have all the logical answers but encourage people to take a step towards Jesus. God help my invisible belief be fortified and strengthened. 
Antonio Cortez Appling


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