Learning to Love

[24] And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, [25] not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. (Hebrews 10:24-25 ESV)

I remember when I learned Bridget's "love language". It may have been one of the biggest "aha" moments I've ever had. See, I learned that she doesn't feel loved the same way that I feel loved. So I would be showing her that I love her in ways that I feel loved, but to her they were pretty insignificant. Example: I would get Bridget flowers and a nice gift, and I would be so excited to give them to her, but she would be like, "Oh. Thanks! You didn't have to do that!" Now that sounds similar to excitement, but that's obligatory appreciation. I'm attuned to that now.

How you ask? Because I'm around her all the time, and I have considered how to love her. We talk about how we feel loved, and come to find out she feels loved by acts of service. So, if I clean the kitchen, you would think that I was her knight in shining armor. She feels so loved. I'd love to say I clean the kitchen all the time now, but I can't stand dishes. It's a battle. I'm still growing...die to self, Charlie.

Here's the thing. My intent is to love my wife. No matter the method, my heart is to love her. It takes time to learn just how to do that well, but I am deeply committed to doing that. I do that because we are in a covenant relationship that I take seriously, and believe that I should put her before myself.

As the author of Hebrews writes, the church should be the same way. It's a covenant family that hangs out together, encourages each other in the Gospel, and learns how to love each other well. Why? Because we are a covenant community. One that is a family tied together not by human bloodline, but by the blood of Jesus.

How are you doing at that? Are you excited to get to know the rest of your church family and how they feel loved? That may work best in MC, actually. But are you excited about that? That's a beautiful reason to keep meeting together...to learn how to love one another, and encourage each other in the Gospel. That is a way that we totally live out our faith in community, which proclaims the goodness of God to all the world.

Here's the challenge. Pick one person in your MC, and make it a point to show them love this week. You may miss the mark in how exactly they feel loved, but I guarantee you taking that step will be an encouragement to both of you.

- Charlie


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