His Joy

looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. - Hebrews 12:2

Being a peanut and soda vendor at a Major League ballpark was one of the coolest jobs I've ever had. I was 16, made a little cash, got a workout going up and down the steps all night screaming, "get your peanuts here!", and I got to see a ton of baseball, including the playoffs. It was the Texas Rangers in 1996, so they got smoked in the playoffs by the Yankees, but it was still cool to be there. It was a great summer.

My mom also worked there that summer and several before and after. She was a beer vendor. She would yell, "cold beer here"! My mom worked there for very different reasons, though. It was her second job. We weren't poor growing up, but we struggled a bit. Thinking back on those Summer's when my mom worked out there, I just marvel at her. She wanted to be with her family. She was exhausted and still went and pushed through the dog days of summer in Texas so that we could have a good life growing up. She was willing to sacrifice her comfort, time, and sleep for us. The crazy think is, she would do it all over again if she had to. Why? Because it brought her great joy to help provide for our family so we could have and do things.

Now magnify that by a gazillion and that's a glimmer of what Christ did for us on the cross. This passage says that he suffered and did what he did on the cross for the joy that was ahead. You know what that joy is? It's you. It's me. It's all of us that believe in Him. That is His joy. We are His joy.

The only way that we get Him for eternity is for Him to sacrifice the way He did. So while it was difficult and He endured much, remember that He did that for the great joy of being with you. You are joy to Him.

With the knowledge that you are His joy, and He would gladly do it all over again for you, ask yourself this question: Am I living like I am the joy of Jesus?

That should challenge us to do things in His name that we never expected we would do. It should create such a humble confidence in us that living by faith and doing hard things should be the daily routine for us.

Praying for you today.

- Charlie


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