Gospel- The Good News

I remember asking my class last quarter, “Why is the Gospel good news? What is the good news?" And they all said, "Jesus died!" I replied with, “Wait, what? That sounds like terrible news!! How is it good news that Jesus died?!”

[Jesus] said to them, ‘I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns as well; for I was sent for this purpose.’”
Luke 4:43

The reality is if Jesus only died, that wouldn’t be good news. It’s only good news if He rose again. The good news of God (Rom. 1:1) is not just that he died, but that he rose again, and defeated sin and death. It’s not just good news it’s great news! It’s great news because we now are free from the chains of sin in this life, and hell in eternal life. That God is victorious is seen all throughout scripture. Think of all the times that God is victorious throughout the Bible. It’s good news…every time!!

The awesome part is, Jesus says that he brought the good news of the kingdom with him to earth. The good news of the good kingdom with the good king. That king, Jesus, overcame death, and part of the good news is that power that overcame death lives in us. So, what’s the good news to you?

We talked about this in our MC last night. What is good news to you? That’s what the question needs to always be. In other words, how do you filter what is happening to you through the lens of the good news of Jesus? Are you having job trouble? The good news may be that you have a God that will never leave you or forsake you, and will always take care of you. Are you struggling with self image? The good news may be that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. We know that’s true because God made you in his own image. You have been adopted into his family as a daughter or a son. Your image should be found in the identity of acceptance and love in Christ…that’s good news!!

So, what is that for you? Where is it that you need to hear good news? What is the good news to you? Where can you say, you know what Jesus is good news to me in this moment because _________.

Take a few minutes and pray. Pray for God to show you where you aren’t believing the Gospel. Pray that God would give you faith to believe and then allow him to work.



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