Let Us Adore Him

Have you ever prayed using the ACTS prayer? It's an acronym for Adore, confess, thanksgiving, and supplication.

Adoration: Give God praise and honor for who he is as Lord over all.
Confession: Honestly deal with the sin in your life.
Thanksgiving: Verbalize what you're grateful for in your life and in the world around you.
Supplication: Pray for the needs of others and yourself.

For me, I feel like I'm good at the last two parts but need to spend more time on the first two... especially in the area of adoration.

This is probably why the book of Psalms is so cool.  Psalm 99 says:

3 Let them praise your great and awesome name!
Holy is he!
4 The King in his might loves justice.
You have established equity;
you have executed justice
and righteousness in Jacob.
5 Exalt the Lord our God;
worship at his footstool!
Holy is he!

Holy is he!  Exalt the Lord. O Come, let us adore him.

There is something incredible that happens to our hearts and minds when we take the time to adore someone.  Spending time in adoring and thanking God for all that he has done really sets our hearts in the right place. There have been times where I am in total anguish and despair. However, once I remind myself who He is through adoration, I'm already more at peace and my heart is lifted high... and I haven't even asked for anything yet.

This week's team did such a good job of talking about the different elements of prayer. I hope the Acts Prayer blesses you and draws you closer to the Holy One.

Have a beautiful day.



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