This Is Not Forever

Philippians 4:7
7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

So it's 7:30am. I forgot to write the devotional, school starts at 8:30, everyone is starving, Gunnar wants me to hold him, and our sweet puppy must have eaten something weird last night because he has pooped about 50 times since 6am. I mean, he tries to get outside, but he has not made it every time. Hence, add poop in the house to the previously mentioned stressful morning.
Oh, and did I mention we are moving and most of our downstairs is in boxes!

But God is good and His timing is always perfect. The topic is Kingdom. And quickly I am calmed by the knowledge.........

I apologize for that brief interruption; I just stepped in poop. Not. Kidding. I can't make this stuff up people. Life is stressful!

Getting back to the point. God is good. Thinking about all the scriptures I know to be true about who I am and what my future holds kept me calm and sane on a morning when I would have no doubt lost my patience.

I was repeating to myself: this is not forever. I am more than a conqueror. I have the power of peace that passes understanding inside me. Brothers and sisters- at any given time, moment or day you can access the peace of God through the Holy Spirit living inside you. The peace of the Kingdom is available for you here on earth during the best moments and the super stressful moments.

It was actually so amazing to repeat truth to myself while everything around me was pure chaos. I felt like it was surreal because I was being enveloped in the peace of the Kingdom.

Remember the truth. You are not of this world. You have the Holy Spirit living inside you- readily available at ALL TIMES to get you through this life, until you reach the end- until you reach, The Kingdom.



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