
A few years ago, I asked a close friend of mine who was dealing with some personal issues if I could pray for him.  He said, “Sure, you can pray for me, but I don’t believe it’s going to do anything”. 

*Awkward silence*

My friend used to be a devout Catholic and for a while we attended Protestant church as well. But sometime during his college life he essentially stopped believing. There are times when I think about his response and I wonder if he’s right.  Does intercessory prayer work? Does it matter whether I pray for others or not?

Often, I find myself forgetting to pray for friends or family or anything and wondering if God says,

“Zane, you didn’t pray for him, that’s why he’s still sick.”
“Zane, you didn’t pray for her, that’s why she didn’t get that job.”
“Zane, you didn’t pray, and that’s why the Cubs are the World Series Champions.”

Of course, all of these thoughts are nonsense.  Our intercessory prayers don’t work that way, but they do in fact work. 

Prayer allows us to share each other’s burdens – “Share each other's burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.” – Galatians 6:2

When we pray for our brothers and sisters, we are actively taking some of their burden.  Through prayer, we are also one with the Spirit, meditating on the needs of our brothers and sisters.  Through the Holy Spirit, we are more likely to take action, offer encouragement, and draw closer in relationship to one another. And even though things may not go exactly the way we may be requesting of the Lord, God answers. Every. Single. Time.  God moves in lives of those we pray for, for their circumstances, and in our hearts as well.  

Our MC has gotten in the wonderful habit of using our group text app to ask for prayer throughout the day.  (and by thoughout I mean 40+ texts a day!) Big stuff, little stuff, asking for prayer, answering the call to pray, sharing burdens, and sharing life …and you know what?  We have grown closer to one another, drawn closer to our Lord, and have seen Him answer prayer continuously.  

So, don’t be shy to ask, don’t be shy to offer.  I pray that we become a church of prayer warriors and see him glorified tenfold.    



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