King of the Three T's

What can I say about God as King that has not already been said? When I think about kings I think about Game of Thrones, or possibly King Arthur and the Knights of the Roundtable. All throughout history, and even folklore and entertainment we've seen stories of kings. We have a hard time juxtaposing this with our current reality. We don't live in a time of kings and queens in the United States (entertainment royalty omitted).

But what I want to look at is what we like about Kings. What we like about kings is the fact that they're royalty and regal. We like the fact that they are loyal. We like the fact that they are powerful in battle, or intelligent in war games, confident and bold and are willing to go to war for their people and their beliefs. The most important thing to me is that the people believe in these kings so much they're willing to lay down their life for them.

As we know as Christians our king is Jesus. See: this last week of devotions for further analysis. We read it in the pages, but do we believe it? Is Jesus a good enough king that you would be willing to lay down your life for him? What if I suggested that laying down your life was not as one dimensional as your physical life? What if laying down your life for him meant surrendering your talents, time and  treasures? If you're not familiar with this concept, there is an ideology that the things we believe in the most are the things that we spend our time on, that we spend our treasure (or money) on, and what we use our talents for. Are you willing to surrender these things for your king?

Practical Bit:
This morning is a good time for self examination. Think about the three aforementioned areas time, talent, and treasure and pray about them. Pray that God will reveal areas of opportunity in which you can let him be more involved.

I’ll use myself as an example:

Area of Opportunity: Time. I find myself trying to squeeze time with Jesus into my car ride, or right before I’m about to do something that I need Gods help with.

Prayer: I pray that God will help me be more disciplined to find intentional time and a desire to want to spend time with Him.

Area of Opportunity: Treasure. I often find myself either spending money on things that are useless, or holding onto my money when I could be giving it away.

Prayer: I pray that God will change my heart and show me that the money is His and that I would desire to glorify Him with the way I shepherd it.

Area of Opportunity: Talent. I spend a lot of time writing poems that are not always worshipful, not that they're sinful, but just aren't worshipful in my intention.

Prayer: I pray God will help me use these gifts to benefit his will and goals. I need to examine these areas and I will be praying today that I can submit, or die, in these areas out of my understanding of God's love and a change of heart from his Holy Spirit.

Like I said, I love Game of Thrones and things that take place in medieval times because the king always seems so cool. But a lot of my favorite kings are fictitious. The truth is, as Christians, we have a very real king. A king who is worthy of us laying down our lives for.

Love ya church! Let’s help each other.



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