A Purpose and a Plan

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”
‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭29:11‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I know, I know, this verse is cliche' at this point. But most of the time when a verse is used often it is because it's a really good verse! Such is the case with this one. Life is confusing, and we all find ourselves questioning what in the world we are doing with our life, and reading a verse like this one can bring peace, and even expectation, to our hearts.

The other day Leeland was acting strange, he just seemed kind of down. I kept asking him what was wrong until finally he decided he would talk about it. In his 6 year old way he described  feeling different than everyone else, and because he felt different, he thought he wasn't as important as other people. Bless his little heart. He's so hard on himself. I took a second to just hold him and decide how I wanted to respond, and this verse came to my mind.

I began encouraging him that he was created in a specific way by God. He was made differently, to do specific things that God planned for him. That even though he feels unimportant, he has a purpose and a plan that comes down from the God of angel armies. We read this verse out loud, and his eyes lit up!

Our lives all have a purpose and a plan. Jeremiah was writing to the exiles in Babylon from Jerusalem. Can you imagine how confused and unimportant they must have felt. But they were God's people and He had important plans laid out for them.

During this Thanksgiving week, I'm pressing in to the comfort and peace of knowing the God of angel armies created me and my family with a purpose and a plan. I'm thankful to know we aren't just wandering along this life aimlessly. We have people we are meant to interact with to show God's glory. We have a light we are supposed to shine into a specific neighborhood. We have a skill set that is purposeful to accomplish exactly what God planned for us. And even when we feel lost or confused or unimportant, we are still a child of God  with a purpose and plan only we can accomplish thru Christ.

This week, remember that no matter where you are in life, it's part of a greater plan to prosper you and not harm you. It's also part of a greater plan to spread the gospel to more people. And you were created to accomplish a specific purpose. Find peace, and even expectation, in that no matter where you are at this week.



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