The One Where Ryan Gives the Devotional

Fire is used to make gold and silver pure, but a person’s heart is made pure by the Lord.-Proverbs 17:3, (ERV...don’t judge)

Actual conversation with Ryan this afternoon:

Connie: “I need to write a devotional. Proverbs is getting old. It’s hard to keep writing about it because it says the same thing over and over...and over.” (Just keepin’ it real, guys. The writer’s block struggle is legit.)

Ryan: “Yeah, because we’re idiots and God knows we need to hear it all the time because we forget it; or ignore it.”

C: “True.”

R: “That’s one of the best things I ever heard [a former pastor] say: that we need to do ‘quiet time’ or whatever regularly because our natural bent is to do the opposite [of what the Bible/God/Proverbs says]. Reading God’s word and spending time with Him is what re-aligns us with Him.”

C: ……”you want to write the devotional? Because dang. That’ll preach.”

R: “No.” (he may or may not have inserted a somewhat inappropriate word before “no,” but I’ll leave that to your imagination.)

C: “Then can you just say all that again so I can type it?” (starts typing furiously)

R: “Look, basically, it’s important for us to stay connected to God, His Word, and the Church community because our natural inclination is sin. We’re like little kids-we have to keep being reminded all the time because we forget. Reconnecting with God and His people on a regular basis is what helps us listen to his voice and stay in His will. Otherwise, we’re like wandering sheep without a shepherd.”

So church, there is your devotional straight from Ryan (semi-unwillingly)....and Proverbs. God purifies our hearts and reconnects us to His heart through our time with Him in His Word, worship, and gospel community. The further we separate ourselves from those things, the bigger the gap gets between our heart and our Father’s. I’m praying for you today that no matter how big or small that gap might be at the moment, you’ll be encouraged to pursue the things that allow God to purify your heart and align it with His.


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