Proverbs 13

This chapter is seemingly all one-liners. Each verse is a short little nugget of counsel. They all seem so separate, and in a way they are, but they all centralize on a theme of contrasting righteousness with wickedness and wisdom with foolishness.  

Instead of a long set of my thoughts about this chapter, I’m going to challenge you to read this chapter and meditate on these questions (from She Reads Truth Proverbs study). Use them as prayer, where you hear from God rather than only speaking to Him.

Are you someone who desires wise counsel, or are you someone who wants to find your own way?

How do you react when people try to tell you what you should do? How do you react to a command from God that you’re not particularly fond of?

What does it look like to walk with wise people? How is this something you are doing, or could do in your life?

Think about those people who have counseled and instructed you. Are you becoming someone who has counsel and instruction to give? Is there anyone in your life right now who needs your wisdom, experience, and counsel? What would it look like for you to pursue that person this week?

- Connie


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