Purpose Vs Plan

Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand.  - Proverbs 19:21

I have a plan!!! I remember saying those words a lot as a kid. Whether it was playing "war" in my front yard, hide and seek with friends, or something that was brewing in my mind because I was bored, plans were abundant.

The problem with plans is that they pretty much always change, yet we spend so much time making them.

I have planned multiple mission trips to India and New Orleans. These trips have been for 9 people or up to 20. People with all different personalities, gifts, and skill sets. The planning process is well thought through and time tested, and not once have things gone the way I planned. It wasn't for a lack of planning, but because our plans are based on so many variables. Fortunately, flexibility is a strength of mine and change doesn't bother me because change of plan is an abundant saying in my life.

God loves that. He is totally ok with the fact that our plans ebb and flow because the purpose never changes. Our purpose on those trips and on life is to bring glory to God, Honor him with the way we live, and make disciples wherever we are.

That's purpose. Purpose doesn't change. Your purpose doesn't change. How you go about living your purpose is flexible, but the purpose is God's to give you.

This is probably super critical to understand in the holiday season. You're going to have tons of plans and honestly, a lot of them will change. Are you ok with that? If you understand that the purpose doesn't change even when plans do, that would be an enormous first step.

Plans change. Purpose doesn't.

By His Grace,



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