Sweet Honey

Proverbs 16:24 Gracious words are like a honeycomb,
sweetness to the soul and health to the body.

Holy moly do my ears hurt today!!  (I'm writing to you on Wednesday night). All day, it was anger and sharp words.

I listened to students and coworkers complain about the election.  And now, I'm visiting a relative at the hospital and he is having a terribly bad day. He is mean, bossy,  lecturing me about everything and anything and I can't run away because he is my dad!

I love all those I interacted with but today was hard. Thankfully, Proverbs has really convicted me about having a sharp tongue and being slow to speak.   There were so many times I wanted to bite back with clever snarky words but the Lord helped me smile and ... not ... do .. that.

Instead, I remained silent and listened. As I listened, God opened up my heart to the hurts and fears within the hearts of those around me.

... Rash words are like sword thrusts...(Proverbs 12:18)
Gracious words are like honeycomb..(Proverbs 16: 24).

Like honey.

Like hot tea with honey, gracious words can bring sweetness to the soul in any conversation.

Gracious words are soothing. Gracious words are healing.

Gracious words can bring health to the body of a hurting person, a hurting people ..and dare I say, a hurting nation.

Tall order right? But that's why you and I need the Holy Spirit so desperately. 1 John 4:19 reminds us that "We love because he loved us first."

You and I can only do this if we are washed in prayer. Let us pray for one another and for our congregation right now.

Pray our words are gracious, of the Holy Spirit, and come straight from the heart of Jesus.   Pray we can be a source of sweetness and healing to our broken world chi.  Let us pray for our daily conversations and for opportunities to love those around us. Lastly, lets pray for this Sunday's Service.

Happy Thursday from your fellow honey bee!



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