Our All in All

“Better is a little with the fear of the Lord than great treasure and trouble with it. Better is a dinner of herbs where love is than a fattened ox and hatred with it.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭15:16-17‬ ‭ESV‬‬

If someone offered you a million dollars, would you...
We can all fill in the blank with any number of scenarios that people have inquired about over the years. There was even the show Fear Factor to put people's desire for money to the test. Will you: eat bugs, climb in a cage of snakes or rats, be a crash test dummy, and so on.  If you completed all the challenges you won a bunch of money.  And people were dying to get a chance to compete on the show.

The things of the world are tempting. Comfort and luxury are tempting. Having more money, and spending more money is tempting. But, as Christ followers we are not called to give into the temptations of the world. We are called to live differently; to live with eternity in mind. Earthly riches and comforts cannot go with you to eternity, therefore they should not be a focal point for your heart and mind.

It is better to be in need than to put yourself or your family through agony for more and more worldly comforts. I'm not saying you shouldn't work hard and make money. I'm also not saying that if your job is difficult or unenjoyable that you should quit and struggle to get by. But I am saying that money isn't worth getting you into trouble.  These verses are speaking of excess (a great treasure; a fattened ox). Earthly comforts and the pursuit of more and more money is not worth drama or pain or jealousy, or greed or unhappiness.

Christ Jesus is our All In All. He is our provider and sustainer. We are called to be content In Him. When we idolize the world we are not keeping our eyes on the One True Prize. We have been forgiven. We have been given freedom in exchange for our sin. We are rich in mercy and love from our Father in heaven.  Church, may you turn to your generous Heavenly Father for your needs, and find contentment in what He has given you.  He is worth more than silver and gold. You DO get Him for eternity. Your earthly goods and money will fade away, but your life and relationship with Jesus is eternal. Live in the contentment that comes from having an eternal perspective and a generous God.



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