Opened Eyes

Whoever mocks the poor insults his Maker; he who is glad at calamity will not go unpunished. 
- Proverbs 17:5

I remember growing up how mad my parents would get when I was picked on. As I think about it now, it's pretty funny. One time I got in a fight and my dad had to break it up. Even though I was fighting, it was like he wanted to get involved and help me out. I lost that fight...story for a different day. But in those moments it was like my parents were going to defend me no matter what. I am their child. They made me, and had a responsibility to protect me and be proud of me. Things that hindered that, were almost insulting to them.

One thing that did for me was open my eyes to how much my parents really cared for me. As I read this passage it kind of makes sense now. It says that when you mock the poor, you insult the Maker. Why is that the case? Because they are His. We are all His. We are all the image bearers of God...our Maker. So mocking the poor actually is insulting to God. He wants us to open our eyes to this fact. It's. It excusable to mock people...especially when your eyes have been opened to a merciful God.

God takes pride in His creation. Each person has been made in His image, so to mock someone is mocking God. That means mocking someone of a different socioeconomic class, political affiliation, gender, race, you name it. You are offensive to the Creator.

Jesus says in Matthew 25, "And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.'" This means that how you treat people that society views as less than is exactly how you treat Jesus. A lot of times I don't even think this is intentional. We just don't have open eyes. A sobering reality for some people.

We are entering into the holiday season where opportunities to serve the needy are abundant. Have you considered doing the opposite of mocking, and entering into the fold with your co-image bearers? If you're in a MC, this can be something that you guys do as a group. Maybe your family likes to go and serve together. Or maybe it's just taking the time to engage people where they are at. The one thing that's for sure, opportunities are all just have to open your eyes.

Let's pray today that our church is a compassionate church. But like Cedric said in his message yesterday, we want to be merciful. Mercy means that we step into the situation and give of ourself. I pray today that each of you open your eyes, and consider how you can do that today.

Loviesaurus Rex,

  • Charlie


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