Time To Grow Up

Proverbs 15:31-32

“He who listens to a life-giving rebuke
will be at home among the wise,

He who ignores discipline despises
but whoever heeds correction gains understanding.”

I have held a pretty interesting child hood being a P.K. (pastor’s kid). I always felt out of the loop throughout the beginning moments of high school and never thought I would achieve any level of “cool.” After contemplating this during the summer between my freshman and sophomore year, I proceeded to get contacts, get a tan, and spike my hair . . . enter the opportunity to be accepted as part of the ‘in’ crowd. All of a sudden, I was going to parties, getting into trouble, drinking, and smoking. I thought I had arrived, until I got caught . . . by my dad . . . red - handed. I never thought this day would come, and I had no idea what was going to happen. The next morning as I nervously awaited the due punishment that was going to rain down upon my ever deserving noggin, I started to feel utterly disappointed in my self. How could I have failed so badly? My parents eventually came in and had everything written out for me on a napkin and we just talked about what had happened, who I had become, and what I planned to do after we got up from the conversation. They didn’t just yell at me and tell me everything I did wrong in the situation, but they discipled me through a life altering event. I took this discipline to heart and have not only changed my living patterns, but have also really cherished the values that my parents have built up around me so that I can lead my own family and disciple my own children. 

God longs for us to cherish his values and desires us to be discipled by him. As my parents wrote things down for me to dwell upon, God has it all written down just the same in a quaint little package that we should study as often as we can. I could only imagine the type of person that I would have become if I would have just ignored my parents at that point in my life. If that’s what I think about ignoring my parents; to ignore the discipline our heavenly father provides would be the ultimate foolishness. 

Pray this week that you have ears that hear what God is telling you to do, or not to do and take heed his leadership and guidance so that you may be enveloped in his ever protecting wisdom.



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