Holy Filtration System

Whoever restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding.
- Proverbs 17:27

When I was in high school, my mouth got me into a lot of trouble. I was really quick witted and didn't care who the victim of my sharp tongue was. One time, I said something really mean to a teacher of mine that I cannot repeat on this devotional. It got me in A LOT of trouble.

What we say has so much to do with our heart for God and others. For me, it's always about trying to be funny. It's not that I want to hurt people's feelings. I just get a funny thought and it's out of my mouth before I realize it. I think the Holy Spirit, in my 30s, has given me the Holy Filtration System for my mouth because it's way better now than it used to be.

The thing is, that what we say comes from an overflow of the heart (Matt. 15:18). So this idea that I am allowed to think things and just catch them before they come flying out of my mouth is really not consistent with what Jesus teaches. We need to actually take our thoughts captive. We need to renew our hearts and ask the Holy Spirit to change our hearts so that what we actually think can come out of our mouth without leaving a path of destruction in it's wake.

That's what is so important about a daily time with Jesus. Daily asking God to penetrate your whole life with the Gospel. Like Ryan said via Connie on yesterday's Devo, "we need it everyday because we are idiots, and God knows we need to hear it all the time, or we will forget it or ignore it." The "it" is the Gospel. It has to permeate all of who we are, and eventually it will change our heart.

How cool would it be if you could actually say what you are thinking because what you are thinking is being informed daily by the Word of God?

That right there is why we do this Devo folks.

Love you guys. Praying for you guys.



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