Breakfast Burrito

Prov 18:21

The tongue has the power of life and death,
    and those who love it will eat its fruit.

There is this greasy-spoon breakfast place that I loooooooooove. One typical burrito morning, I was just going about my business but the woman taking my order had such a bright demeanor. Her genuine smile and cheerfulness were contagious and I could feel my spirit brighten as well. I always take the opportunity to tell someone I appreciate them, friend or stranger. So I told her how much I appreciated her attitude and thanked her for giving my day such a great start. I could tell her demeanor got a bit brighter too. 

This is just a small interaction but think of all the people you interact with in a day. We all grew up knowing the rhyme, "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me". We all know that words do hurt and they can do so much damage. Our words weigh heavier than we know. When we speak words of encouragement, grace, forgiveness, joy; we give life. We point people to God who is the ultimate giver of life. 

Not only do we give life to souls but we nourish our own. God designed human interaction. When we give, we receive more. Our God is awesome that way. 

Think about your spouse (yes I listed this one first), your friends, your parents, your kids, your coworkers, strangers you meet to never see again. Take a few minutes to take account of your tongue. Who can you speak life to today? What opportunities are around you? Are you careful with your words? I pray that our church would be known for our kindness and the life that we give. Love you church! 



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