God Never Blows It

but whoever listens to me will dwell secure and will be at ease, without dread of disaster."  - Proverbs 1:33

This verse is so comforting isn't it? To be secure and at ease...that's pretty much the motive of all the big decisions we make. God promises that when we listen to Him, we get Him. That's beautiful.

But, and that's a BIG BUT, look at verses 24-32. Nine verses on what happens when you don't listen to God. Man, honestly, those verses are hard to read. I would love to avoid them altogether, but I can't. I can't because I love you. God put those verses in the Bible because He loves you.

In my house, we have rules and a clear authority structure. Now, I would love to say that we are always perfect in carrying it out, but we aren't. So my kids know that if they don't listen, there will be consequences. I blow it when I don't carry out those consequences because of my laziness or forgetfulness, but usually they know that when they don't listen to mom or dad...they will be disciplined.

On the other hand, we praise them greatly when they do listen, or make decisions that model who Jesus is...and they know that will happen. Except when it doesn't. Sometimes we blow it there, too.

God is perfect in carrying it out, though. God never blows it.  He humbles the proud and exalts the humble. This passage puts flesh on how that act of humbling will feel, and it doesn't look good. The wonderful thing about reading this passage is you get a glimpse of God's love. God follows 9 verses of warning with this one beautiful verse...if we would only listen.

He knows what is best for you, and wants to encourage you to walk in that, but you have to listen to Him. It may be difficult to listen, and even more difficult to live like you believe that He loves you. In the end, though, He is faithful and will keep His promise. God never blows it.

Pray: God you are good. Your mercy and love abound and I praise you for that. I confess that too often I don't even consider what you are saying to me. Speak to me, Lord. Show me your will and your way. Help me believe that you never blow it. Guide my steps. Give me wisdom. Thank you for the biggest evidence of your love, the cross. Help me learn to listen like Jesus did. It's in His name I pray. Amen.

- Charlie


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