

We have reached the end of the book of Hebrews.   It’s been an incredible time of study and devotion to really grasp who Jesus is in relation to the law, topics and people of the Old Testament.  Hebrews 13 ends the book really well, because it acts as a guide for us to please God with straight forward instructions.   These are instructions that I feel we shouldn’t take lightly, and these are sacrifices that God delights in (unless it’s done without faith Hebrews 11:6).

So my challenge, or exhortation, for you is to get a pen and paper and read chapter 13.  While you read, list off every instruction the author gives.  After that, look at your list and think of concrete and applicable ways to follow those instructions.  For some of these instructions you’ll find that you can do them on your own (Example: Remember your leaders from verse 7).  For other instructions you might feel you need to respond by involving the church somehow (Remember those in Prison from verse 3).

As Grace said, it is list of To Do’s, and To Do’s are meant to be done, especially if it’s from the Word of God!

Lord, I pray that we would open our hearts and minds that you would make our desires one with yours.  Let us delight in what you delight in.  Let us seek your Kingdom first, and let us be satisfied in you.

- Zane


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