Eyes To See

Well, it’s been a week. As in, one fiasco after another, crap hitting the fan, literally putting out fires, kind of week. Most of this story is Ryan’s, but he’s not on the devotional team, so I’ll share it.

Ryan has a few rental properties out in the inland valleys, and one in particular in San Bernardino that has been a hot mess ever since he began the process of preparing to sell it. Evictions, fraudulent leases, squatters; if it can go wrong, it has. On Tuesday, we found out in weird, roundabout ways that there had been a fire at this property. Once Ryan found out, he immediately got in the car to drive out and deal with the mess.

I knew this type of situation would put his adrenaline, frustration, and stress levels at all-time highs, so I just started praying for him as I drove to work and he drove to San Bernardino. I prayed that God would direct Ryan’s words, actions, and attitude. I prayed that God would show him exactly what to do, how to do it, when to do it; that He would help Ryan see the overlooked details and give him clarity and wisdom.

Later that night, I listened to Ryan’s story of the day as he sat on our living room floor covered in soot (for real), and marveled at how God answered every part of my prayer from that morning.

He directed Ryan’s words, actions, and attitude with the squatters that still refused to leave. To me, it sounded a whole lot like that time Jesus braided the whip before he drove all the moneychangers out of the temple. I wish I had been there to see it. It was very clear that Ryan was clear-headed in how he dealt with it, not rash or impulsive, and there’s no way that was not God.

There “happened” to be contractors at the house next door whose company “happened” to also deal with fire restorations. They were reputable, honest, and offered their help to Ryan with boarding up the house and changing the locks for a reasonable price (when they could have easily taken advantage of the situation). There’s no convincing me that God did not go before this situation and provide help in this way.

God gave Ryan the presence of mind to arrange all that I just mentioned, plus setting up security patrol at the property to avoid any more break-ins. He gave Ryan the clarity and wisdom to contact everyone who needed to be contacted, to remember and report all the necessary details to the police officers, and the foresight to move all of the squatters’ belongings out of the house so that they had no reason to break back into it.

I was in awe with God at the end of that day. While this whole situation just sucks, He completely walked through it beside us and ahead of us. Ryan and I have both had a spiritually and emotionally difficult year so far. Many times, God has seemed distant and silent. But this week, he was right with us, not silent, but instead so loud in our circumstances that all I could do was bow my head in gratitude. I’m so thankful He opened my eyes to His presence and His work in our lives this week, because I so longed for the encouragement of seeing His power again.

So, there’s our story of this week we’ve had (the abridged version, anyway), and how we saw God move in the midst of it. And my encouragement for you is: look for the ways in which God is answering your prayers. Ask Him for eyes to see it, because it will take your breath away.

- Connie


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