Not So Elusive

20 Wisdom calls out in the street;
she raises her voice in the public squares.
21 She cries out above the commotion;
she speaks at the entrance of the city gates:

23 If you respond to my warning,
then I will pour out my spirit on you
and teach you my words.

Proverbs 1:20-21, 23

Several weeks ago, I started the She Reads Truth Proverbs study. Since then, my attention has been pretty scattered, so I haven’t made it through a whole lot of the actual study. But, the introductory notes and background information were so thought-provoking that they were the first thing I thought of when this devotional series was announced.

The biggest concept that stuck out to me was this: “the pursuit of wisdom cannot be separated from the pursuit of God.” Wisdom is God’s to give. It is part of His character, it began with Him, and in order for us to even attempt it, we have to pursue Him. He is the only source.

When I was younger, this idea of wisdom sounded so sophisticated and elusive. But in reality, it’s not. Verse 23 makes it clear that God is eager to pour out His wisdom to us. The language of that verse so clearly reminds me of the Holy Spirit. God gave us His Spirit so that His presence, counsel, and wisdom would always be with us. He so wants to impart to us a deep knowledge of Himself and how to navigate His world. He has by no means hidden it from us, which leads me to verses 20-21.

The depiction of wisdom in these verses is LOUD. Solomon uses the imagery of a woman to illustrate wisdom, and she is SHOUTING it in the streets! It’s for anyone, for all of us--not elusive, not exclusive. You don’t have to pass a test or meet a set of requirements or get good grades. God openly invites you into learning about who He is and what He desires for us. We just have to ask.

So, Church, ask Him. Pray for a heart that is eager to pursue God and receptive to the counsel He has for you. Pray for a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s guidance in your life in both the big things and the little things.

As you press into Him, you’ll arrive at some wisdom. If you seek after wisdom, you’ll discover more about God in the process.There’s no losing in this scenario.

- Connie


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