Spiritual Surf

“Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before
you. Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure.”
Proverbs 4:25-26 ESV

I'm vacationing in Kauai this week. Life is tough for me, I know. I
came here to hike and surf. Hiking has been wonderful but surfing has
been a challenge. My instructor tells me I overthink. My tendencies
are to take my eyes off my destination and look at what my hands are
doing, resulting in a nosedive and unintentional neti potting. Or, I
lock up my legs trying to control the board and I end up leap frogging
and making spectacular belly flops. I swear I heard one echo. I lose
focus and once I'm on a wave I distrust the process. The waves I have
caught, have been successful when I focus on my destination, let go,
and sink into my stance.

I liken this to my walk with God. When my sights are on Him, I let go,
and trust the direction he has given me, is when things work out.
Similarly, when I take my eyes off God, and look at what my own hands
are doing, my life nose dives and I end up getting tumbled by the
waves. I get thrown around by what life sends me. When I'm rigid and
trying to control my own life, I end up spiritually belly flopping and
boy it hurts. My ideas of how things should be only leave me
disappointed and frustrated.

I didn't catch any waves during today's morning session and it was
discouraging after doing seemingly well the previous couple of days.
Nonetheless, I'm going out again first thing tomorrow. I'm going to
focus on my destination, let go, and sink into my stance. I encourage
you to do the same in whatever you are undertaking. Aloha!

- Natalie


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